Cardiothoracic Theatres

Cardiothoracic Theatre Refurbishment

Project Value: £3.5m

We were initially commissioned to undertake an assessment of reported issues within the department around ventilation using the expertise of our Authorising Engineer. Following initial investigations and reports produced for the client it became clear that some of the issues related to the mechanical plant, but that there were also operational issues due to changes made to the department over the years and the misuse of spaces in the intervening period without fundamentally reviewing the department's ventilation strategy.

Subsequently we were commissioned to provide a full design team to develop these initial investigations and work to RIBA Stage 2/3. The scheme therefore developed into the full replacement of all air handling plant for the department, alongside a programme of alterations and refurbishment work that would address issues around a lack of sterile storage provision that required some significant replanning of the department including a reduction in Theatre numbers from 5 to 4.

Working closely with the Users and Estates teams we developed a set of Room Layouts and Room Data Sheets to determine the alterations necessary, including detailed surveys of the department to understand the existing provision and what elements could be reused or needed replacement. Alongside this work we developed a series of proposals to refurbish the department whilst undertaking these works to minimise disruption to the department. Working with our Engineers we developed a comprehensive Engineering Strategy for the department, including a new ventilation strategy that complied with the latest HBNs.

Finally we developed a phasing strategy that allowed the department to continue to operate whilst the work was being undertaken. This involve a series of meetings with Users to develop a strategy that allowed them to continue to operate with minimal disruption, taking one theatre suite out of use at a time, working round the department in a logical manner, whilst understanding how the complex interlinked engineering systems could be installed in such a phased manner. This phasing strategy comprised a series of drawings outlining the works in each phase, limitations on operations and segregated contractor and staff routes within the department. This was accompanied with a fully detailed programme including all decanting operations, IT moves and infection control testing prior to bringing areas back into use.


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