Manor Farm Development Planning Success

Following on from our successful competition entry for the re-development of the former NEDDC Area Housing Office site, the project has recently achieved another milestone with the granting of planning permission for the scheme.

Since the commencement of the project last year T.A.D. Architects have worked closely with our client Rykneld Homes to further develop and refine the design for this prestigious project of new houses and apartments set to be created in the historic heart of Dronfield.

The old Manor Farm site on High Street will be brought back to life and transformed to create six apartments in the existing buildings and four; new family homes on adjacent land.

T.A.D.’s approach to provide a high quality development that took into account the historic nature of the site was approved by the Committee with the Planning Officer agreeing that the proposals respected the Conservation area and the setting of the adjacent Listed Buildings.

The Manor Farm scheme is just one of the exciting new build and regeneration projects being undertaken by Rykneld Homes in partnership with both private and other public sector organisations.

Niall Clark – Director of Property Services and Development at Rykneld Homes, said:
“Rykneld Homes is keen to explore all opportunities to build more homes in our district. As well as providing more social housing, we are also diversifying and this year will start to build homes for shared ownership and for sale in the private sector.
“Our close partnership with North East Derbyshire District Council is key to our success. The partnership seeks to work with other providers to explore new and emerging funding sources and land availability to achieve our goal of additional housing in the district.”


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